Wir sind die führende Agentur in Kuba, die einzigartige Motorradtouren anbietet

La Poderosa Tours ist eine Reiseagentur, die sich auf Harley Davidson Motorradtouren in Kuba spezialisiert hat. Unser professionelles Team bietet unvergessliche Reisen, die Luxus mit Schlichheit kombinieren. Weiterlesen
Unsere Touren sind darauf ausgelegt, Motorradenthusiasten eine einzigartige Erfahrung zu bereiten, wobei zusammen mit

Einheimischen die atemberaubenden Landschaften dieser Insel genauso zelebiert werden, wie deren wundervolle Traditionen und Bräuche.
Wir überlassen nichts dem Zufall: Wir persönlich übernehmen die Planung und Organisation jedes Details Ihrer Reise, behandeln unsere Gäste wie Familie und garantieren dadurch ein sicheres und eindrucksvolles Abenteuer. Weiterlesen

7 Tage Tour

7 TAGE – 6 NÄCHTE 950 km Fahrt La Habana / Cienfuegos / Trinidad / Santa Clara / Varadero

10 Tage Tour

Dauer der Motorradtour: 10 Nächte / 9 Tage Tourlänge insgesamt: 1600 km La Habana / Pinal del Río / Cienfuegos / Trinidad / Santa Clara / Cayo Santa María / Varadero

Besonders angefertigt

Möchten Sie vorher ankommen? Möchten Sie länger bleiben? Möchten Sie einige Tage am Strand verbringen? Möchten Sie eine Privattour unter Freunden unternehmen? Alles ist möglich. Lassen Sie uns Ihre Wünsche und/oder Ihre Bedürfnisse wissen und wir senden Ihnen unseren Kostenvoranschlag zu.


I can't say enough about my excellent experience with La Poderosa! From the moment that I was greeted exiting the plane, every possible need was attended to. Maria, in the office, Ernesto, Camillo and Jan as our dailey guides in our little Harley caravan were all focused on making our experience everything that was promised and more. Ina was our historian, interpreter and facilitator who helped make the tour informative and culturally rich. Our evenings were terrific social events enjoyed with Ernesto and Camillo. Great lodgings at terrific hotels, excellent meals, the mountains, the beaches; trip of a lifetime. DO IT!!

Tom Agnes, USA

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After having spend a couple of days with Ernesto and Camillo, I can only give them my highest recommendation. Riding with those guys was an absolute blast. They were fun, charming, but also experienced drivers, that one would always feel safe around. Its a completely different way of experiencing Cuba. You gotta try it at least once in your life….


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In 2018 my wife and I joined the Fuser 2 trip. It was a really fantastic experience. Riding through Cuba together with Ernesto, Camilo and the rest of the group, all on iconic Harley Davidson motorcycles, made it an unforgettable experience. Since this trip we are still in contact with the other participants and have already made another trip to Scotland together. And for 2019 we are thinking about yet another trip to Spain. So we didn't only have a fantastic holiday but have also formed a nice group of friends. Thanks for making this happen!


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After having spend a couple of days with Ernesto and Camillo, I can only give them my highest recommendation. Riding with those guys was an absolute blast. They were fun, charming, but also experienced drivers, that one would always feel safe around. Its a completely different way of experiencing Cuba. You gotta try it at least once in your life….

Bob Laidlaw, Scotland

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Why Cuba? Because I have heard so much positives and interesting things about Cuba, because I wanted to discover the amiability and helpfulness by my own, because I simply wanted to enjoy this county. Though good friends I was informed about La Poderosa Tours .

Christian Gabriel, Austria

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Craige and Carla (South Africa/Portugal)

Craige and Carla

Maria, Ernesto and Camillo, thank you for making this a trip of a lifetime and going the extra mile to make it so special.The comfort of the Harley, the incredibly helpful crew on tour, the delicious food, the amazing accommodation and the history we learned along the way, along with the stunning beauty of Cuba…. […]

Gabriel de la Cerda/Mexico

Gabriel de la Cerda/Mexic

En solo dos palabras EXCELENTE TODO. un profesionalismo de 1a y la atención personal inigualable felicitaciones! Una atención profesional que sobrepasa el Servicio y lo lleva a la calidad de Amistad. Felicitaciones a todo el grupo Mary Elena, Ernesto, Camilo, Frank y Yusset, son con quienes quieres rodar SIEMPRE. Felicitaciones y TODO el que pueda […]

Brandon Melton / Hendersonville, North Carolina/USA

Brandon Melton

Three years ago, I toured Cuba with Che Guevara’s youngest son, Ernesto („Che’s Kid Hits the Road“). Along with Ernesto’s closest friend, Camilo and our incomparable tour guide, Inalvis („rhymes with Elvis“, Ina would say), five Americans and four Europeans rode new Harley Davidson motorcycles through the beautiful Cuban countryside for seven days. It was […]